The association is apolitical, non-profit, and pursues exclusively the purpose of fulfilling a public need. The mission of "Dentists without Frontiers" stems from the need to make the prevention of oral health really feasible and the implementation of the procedures necessary for the actual pursuing the dental therapies.

To make dental care accessible to those who would not normally be able to cope with them, because of the high costs, the Association, through its own Mobile Dental Centers or the Associated Dentists, undertakes to provide free to all:
  • Dental visit
  • Radiodiagnostic scan
  • Reporting
To complete its mission, the Association has also promoted the creation of a private network of dentists who work by providing their professional services in a voluntary manner or in a convention agreement.


Thanks to an agreement with dental structures of various foreign countries, the Association manages to achieve low and very determined costs, but, at the same time, having offered services and dental benefits of the highest quality using medical personnel professionally qualified, equipment and technologies of the latest generation.

The network of professionals in agreement with the Association offers a quality service that follows the patient at every stage of his path. The Association guarantees both the quality and the result of the interventions performed in Italy and abroad.


"Dentists without Frontiers" provides a service that consistently knocks down costs and facilitates the patient in the search for financial institutions in convention with us.

The financial institutions with which we have conventional reports guarantee the transaction at 0 % rate!

The success of each intervention is guaranteed at 100% by a professional insurance which covers both the medical expenses and the costs of any potential transfers.


Given that, our mission is not limited only to the activity carried out in Italy, the Association offers a complete support in each and every one of the other foreign countries in which it operates independently but interconnected.



During your stay you need a cozy place to rest, let us know what your needs are and we will make the reservation in one of our affiliated hotels.


We know that leaving Italy means changing vehicular language, but it is essential for us that you are always aware of every step and have the means to express and resolve any doubts or perplexities. For this reason we offer you the possibility to have a native interpreter always present in the clinics that will help you to interface with the medical staff.

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Contact us to book an appointment


The services that are provided by the structures affiliated with the Association are inherent to the branch of the Odontostomatology and in more detail they concern:


The team of project Dentists Without Frontiers is composed of highly qualified professionals and professionals who, thanks to traversal skills, guarantee complete assistance and an experience built to measure for the customer. Our team is made up by:

Geom. Angelo Russo


Dr. Nicola Russo

Professor Ad Honorem, University of Acapulco
Doctor of Dental Medicine

Edmond Kristo

Sales Manager for Albania, Macedonia and Kosovo

Christos Papavasiliou

Doctor of Dental Surgery

Dr. Nicola Russo

Professor Ad Honorem, University of Acapulco
President of Scientific Committee

Geom. Angelo Russo

Chairman of the Committee

Dr. Giovanni Scelzi

Dental Office Marketing Management Coordinator

Dr. Carmine Del Re

National Areas Coordinator

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    Il/La sottoscritto/a chiede di essere ammesso quale socio a DENTISTI SENZA FRONTIERE ONLUS, per lo svolgimento e il raggiungimento degli scopi primari della stessa, attenendosi allo statuto sociale ed alle deliberazioni degli organi sociali, nonché a pagare obbligatoriamente le quote sociali qualora previste.Dichiara di aver preso nota dello Statuto e dell’eventuale Regolamento e di accettarli integralmente e condivide le finalità istituzionali ed accettare lo scopo senza fine di lucro dell’associazione.Dichiara di aver ricevuto l’informativa sul trattamento dei dati personali ai sensi dell’art. 13 del DLGSn.196/2003 così come modificato dal GDPR, dandone consenso per il perseguimento degli scopi statutari.