The project “Dentists without Frontiers” was born in 2014 from the need to make the “specialist dental care” as much accessible as possible even to those who would not normally be able to sustain the high costs, and provide free dental care to all those who find themselves in serious state of economic and social hardship, creating a private network of dentists who work by providing their own work in a voluntary manner. The Association is not for profit and pursues, exclusively, the aim of social solidarity.

Those goals aim, in particular, to:

  • Responding to the need, social rather that healthcare, of nursing, education and dental prevention;
  • Improving in the users’ families, in the protected structures and in the schools, sensitivity to prevention and dental care with oral health education programs;
  • Reducing the economic and managerial costs of the public health system;
  • Expand the catchment area and therefore the network of collaborating dentists;
  • To organize local initiatives and campaigns, aimed at disseminating the message to Dentists and Patients, as well as fundraising in support of the association's projects and institutional activities

The collaboration with the dentist offices within all of Europe, manages to reduce the costs with a savings that can reach up to 80%, and to offer services and performances of the highest quality using a highly qualified medical staff, and machinery and technologies of latest generation. The team of the “Dentists without Frontiers” project is composed of professionals and highly skilled practitioners who, thanks to their traversal competences, guarantee complete assistance and an experience built to the patient's perfect fit.

Therefor guaranteeing: the budgeted amount of work, the healing times, and the processing times.
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    Il/La sottoscritto/a chiede di essere ammesso quale socio a DENTISTI SENZA FRONTIERE ONLUS, per lo svolgimento e il raggiungimento degli scopi primari della stessa, attenendosi allo statuto sociale ed alle deliberazioni degli organi sociali, nonché a pagare obbligatoriamente le quote sociali qualora previste.Dichiara di aver preso nota dello Statuto e dell’eventuale Regolamento e di accettarli integralmente e condivide le finalità istituzionali ed accettare lo scopo senza fine di lucro dell’associazione.Dichiara di aver ricevuto l’informativa sul trattamento dei dati personali ai sensi dell’art. 13 del DLGSn.196/2003 così come modificato dal GDPR, dandone consenso per il perseguimento degli scopi statutari.